![]() Battery A, 98th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
"We Were Ready"
Nutley site of Battery A, 98th Antiaircraft Gun Battalion, known locally as "Camp Nutley"
These bases were scattered on both sides of the Hudson River and locally were near Newark Airport, up in Belleville Park and right here in Nutley near the Passaic River where the current ball fields, tennis courts and hockey rink stand today. The Nutley
base, site of Battery A of the 98th Antiaircraft Gun Battalion,
known locally as "Camp Nutley", was some 11 miles from the bridge and its four 90mm guns could
fire up to 22 projectiles/minute/gun, radar-guided and capable of
being detonated near a target.
Nutley and the Nutley Historical Society dedicated a plaque on the premises where the base stood (on Park Avenue across from Parks and Rec building, near the parking lot).
A presentation by the commander was
held at the Nutley Museum that same evening. The memorial is located
south of the hockey rink, up a short rise. U.S. Army Anti-Aircraft Battery Video Debuts at Nutley Historical Society April 19, 2017 Nutley
Historical Society will present an encore discussion and new video Camp Nutley, Battery A, 98th AAA Gun Battalion: I Was There
Documentary to feature forgotten Army base in N.J. Link subject to change
US Army "Camp Nutley" aka Battery A of the 98th AAA Air Defense Battalion
The Nutley History Society is seeking former members and artifacts of this chunk of Nutley history in protecting the free world. Share your story and preserve our history by sharing your tales of serving at the camp. Please call us at 973-667-1528 and leave your contact information. The camp was located on the south side of Park Avenue near Route 21 where the ball fields, tennis courts and hockey rink stand today. Its four 90 MM radar controlled guns were assigned to defend the George Washington Bridge, just 11 miles away, from Soviet bomber attack. AA
shirt donated to the Nutley Museum by
Visit the Nutley Museum and see our Camp Nutley exhibit. |
Founded 1945
65 Church
Street, Nutley N.J. 07110 Copyright & Reprint Information Contact Room Rental, via phone, not email, Call 973-667-1528
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Nutley Sun: Soldiers share experiences of 1950s' Camp Nutley
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Email Contact - Nutley Historical Society The Nutley Historical Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serve the educational, cultural and historical needs of our community.
65 Church
Street, Nutley N.J. 07110