Sharpshooter Annie Oakley Once Lived in Nutley, New Jersey Annie Oakley Lived in Nutley NJ
Vreeland Homestead
The Vreeland House changed hands in May 2012, when the Junior Woman's Club of Nutley turned over the property to the township of Nutley, N.J. The town placed oversight of the 200-plus year-old house in the hands of the Nutley Historical Society. Read More Vreeland Homestead
Read More: Old Military Hall, Nutley, N.J. The Longest Three Hours in Nutley History Two Policemen Pulled from River, Town Worker Dies, in Effort to Save Boy from Flooded Third River
The Enclosure Historic District That Almost Wasn't Nutley Museum Dedication Program
Former One-Room School House
Lambiase Farm: The Last Farm In Nutley How Lambiase Farm Became Radcliffe School, Not Nutley Junior High Nutley Museum Dedication Program
Former One-Room School House
Commuting by the Erie in the Old Days
Dutch Introduced Skating as Nutley Winter Sport The Franklin Theatre, a 75-Year History of Films and Memories George LaMonte & Son National Safety Paper Company, Nutley, NJ
Nutley Dairy Farms, Operated by the Steinlauf Family
Nutley Was Setting for Indian Thanksgiving Route 21 highway to Passaic replaces Nutley's riverbank open spaces When Nutley Was a Golfer's Heaven Courtesy of
Nutley Neighbors, a
The circus that inspired a town- Annie Oakley, Eaton Stone, Henry Bunner, and the Red Cross
The Franklin Theatre, a 75-Year History of Films and Memories by David Wilson and John Demmer Nutley Library Presentation
History of Memorial Park
A Walk in the Park: Historic Nutley Walking Tour at Memorial Park with John Simko May 28, 2017 More than two dozen locals brushed up Nutley history with “A Walk in the Park,” hosted by Nutley Museum Director, John Simko. The walking tour stepped off on Sunday, May 28, 2017, at the Mud Hole (near the intersection of Passaic and Vreeland Avenues) and traveled along the Third River. Mr. Simko talked about the river’s role in Nutley history as a source for early industry, as an inspiration for world-class artists, as a symbol of civic pride, as an important boundary marker, and as a fitting memorial to our war veterans. The tour visited the sites of three former mills as well as the pre-Revolutionary Van Giesen homestead. Those on the tour learned why the Third River splits in two, about the beginnings of our hundred-year-old Carnegie Library and even older Town Hall, and walked through one of Nutley’s oldest cemeteries. The tour concluded inside an 1875 brick schoolhouse (now the Nutley Historical Society and Museum). The museum was open for browsing, and tour-related museum objects were on display.
The real story of the Vreeland Manor is just one stop on the historic tour of Nutley led by NHS trustee John Simko. See Nutley Videos below.
Nutley Historical Society John Simko, Museum Director Walk In the Park, 2017 Walk in the Park, Schools, Part 6 Walk in the Park, School, Part 7 Walk in the Park, Womens Club, Part 8 Walk in the Park, Womens Clu, Part 9 Walk in the Park, Womens Club Interior Part 10 Walk in the Park, Womens Club Interior Part 11 Walk in the Park, Water, Part 12 M Walk in the Park, Mills Part 13 John Simko at the Mud Hole (2012)
Online Nutley Museum Tour (2020) Nutley Library History Talks |
Founded 1945
65 Church
Street, Nutley N.J. 07110 Copyright & Reprint Information Contact Room Rental, via phone, not email, Call 973-667-1528
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Frank R. Stockton Wrote The Lady or The Tiger, Rudder Grange The Lady Or The Tiger? Mystery Revealed?
LOST AND FOUND: Beautiful Buildings “Lost and Found: Beautiful Buildings That Once Graced Nutley” curated by Art Director Barry Lenson of the Nutley Historical Society. It was on view at the library July-September 2014, as part of the Nutley Library Centennial. Links subject to change
Guest speakers included Anthony Bowens AKA "Vigilante" who wrestled his first match on April 13, 2013, in his hometown of Nutley and who later went on to win his first title on April 12, 2014, Sal Scarpa, brother of Joe AKA Chief Jay Strongbow, who brought lots of memorabilia.
Local Mural Competition Recalls Nutley Amateur Circus March 26, 2016 Nutley Museum Director John Simko looks back at the Nutley Amateur Circus, a colorful fundraiser to help those in need more than 100 years ago. Although this event took place in 1894, it inspired a local mural competition unveiled in 2016 and installed at John Walker Middle School. Fall Pumpkin Festival October 15, 2017
The Nutley Historical Society thanks the Nutley High School Key Club students who wonderfully volunteered to help with our Pumpkin Festival. Historical Society Supports Performing Arts' Annie Get Your Gun Nutley High School, Nutley, NJ—Nutley High School Performing Arts presented three performances of Annie Get Your Gun at Nutley High School in March 2017.
Nutley in the News Know Your Town, Nutley: Early History By Jesse K. Bartel The natural wilderness which was once Nutley was first disturbed by the tread of the Lenape Indians on their eastward migration from the west of the Mississippi...
For school groups and private museum tours, please contact Suzanne Hagert 973-667-4270 Nutley Historical Society Now is a great time to join or renew your Nutley Historical Society membership. Thanks to all our members who supported the Nutley Historical Society’s events and activities.
Our trustees and docents continue to itemize, catalog and preserve as much Nutley history as we can. If you have an item tied to our town's history, please consider donating it to the Nutley Museum. Give us a call 973-667-1528, or email us to get together. Also of Interest in Nutley, N.J.
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development & maintenance Links are subject to change Contact Room Rental, via phone only, not email, Call 973-667-1528
For Room Rental: Call 973-667-1528 Email Contact - Nutley Historical Society The Nutley Historical Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serve the educational, cultural and historical needs of our community.
65 Church
Street, Nutley N.J. 07110
Site Sponsor Nutley Notables in two volumes:
The men and women who made a memorable impact |